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“We are proud to announce that we have reached a new milestone with more than 1,000 verified reviews on Trustpilot for Office Chairs UK. With more than a thousand happy customers we are also pleased that we are still averaging a review score of 4.6 deemed ‘Excellent’. We are always happy to welcome feedback from customers and keen to improve wherever we can, but it is good to hear from so many satisfied customers. More than 75% of our reviewers gave us a score of excellent, with many reviewers listing customer service as one of our strongest areas.
Trustpilot is a free service that is open to every company and consumer worldwide and is recognised as one of the biggest review platforms on the internet. We encourage everyone who purchases office furniture from us to leave a review and, as an independent platform, Trustpilot is a popular choice for many businesses. Trustpilot is built on transparency as an organisation and wants to make sure that reviews on the platform are genuine and help inform customer decisions. It enables customers to shop with confidence while also providing businesses with genuine and valuable feedback on how they can improve their services.
Another benefit of Trustpilot is that you can clearly see which of the reviews are verified and the location of the user. This is clarity that is not always clear on other platforms like Google Reviews, although we welcome feedback of all kinds. You can see what some of our clients have said about Office Chairs UK on Trustpilot below;
By: Richard Edwards
Published: 12th April 2022