How to create a healthy workplace culture

“Creating a healthy workplace culture can be essential to a productive work environment. It can also be an important factor in making your employees happy and contributes to a successful business. Conversely, a negative workplace environment can cause huge problems and be damaging to your business.
There are a number of ways that you can make your workplace culture better and more productive. We’ve listed some factors that indicate a good workplace culture and you should strive to make sure your environment reflects these.
Employee Turnover
Although every workplace is different, a clear sign that people are happy in their working environment is low staff turnover. It can be the case that people stay in the same role because it’s convenient or secure, but if a good percentage of your staff stay for long periods, then it is likely due to a healthy workplace culture.
If the main reason that people leave your company is for better pay and you have a fixed salary structure, you might feel that there isn’t anything you can do. But money is not the sole motivation for everyone and many people cite their the working environment as the reason for leaving their job.
If you’re worried about a high staff turnover, asking questions and understanding why people might want to leave can help you improve the workplace culture and keep your staff members happy.
One of the key aspects and ambitions for anyone starting a career is often room for progression. People want to achieve things and also take on new challenges, so if leaders encourage progression then it can make people much happier in their workplace. If people feel encouraged to learn new skills and feel that they have something to work for, it can boost morale.
Again this issue could be linked to your financial situation, but even if you don’t have as much room for progression in your company, giving people a sense of achievement and importance in their role can also lead to a happy workplace. It is vital that people feel important and valued so even something as small as increasing their responsibility, asking for their opinion or keeping them up to date with company strategy, can make your workplace a happier one.
It is important that people communicate with each other properly at work and this can be one of the main reasons for a bad atmosphere. An open working environment where people can communicate properly with each other is essential to having a good workplace culture. This is also the case when it comes to communicating about what you have been working on.
If people are often getting confused in the workplace and don’t know who to approach, you should make sure that everyone is approachable and that there are clear lines of communication. If things about the company and any changes are communicated well in advance then people are prepared for it and are less taken aback and frustrated with the change. Don’t be afraid to actively introduce new staff members to everyone in the office and try to organise activities or events where people can get to know each other better both personally and professionally.
If people have clear goals and targets they are looking to achieve then they will be more motivated to get the job done. No matter what kind of work you do, if people have something to work towards then it will create a better working culture. It can also help with communication if people have a common goal and can work together to make sure the task is completed.
Giving people achievable targets and making sure they are not bogged down with the same tasks for ages can create an enviable work environment. People are much more motivated if they have something to work towards and this also gives them a sense of achievement when they actually get something done.
These are just a few tips that can help you create an enviable environment in your workplace. Not only can this lead to a more productive workforce but it can also lead to a better work atmosphere in the long-term. Your team will build rapport with one another and build good working relationships that will lead to a happier taskforce.”
