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“By doing a good deed for someone else, you can make their day just that bit better and make a positive impact. This can have a positive effect on the rest of the business as well and they might decide to pass the kindness on. Traditionally, random acts of kindness have always been a spontaneous thing, hence the name of the act. But the importance of these random acts has recently gained a lot of attention and people have been performing them more frequently. We explain how these random acts can have a positive impact in the workplace and how you can encourage them.
Random Acts in the Workplace
Embracing random acts of kindness in the workplace can really help to boost the morale of the rest of the team. This can be anything from a small act of kindness to a much larger gesture that can help to improve someone’s day. Encouraging random acts can also help your staff get to know each other and reduce tension and conflict between staff members. Some of the ways that you can encourage random acts of kindness in the office include;
Baked Treats – A great way to boost morale is with some home baking. Everyone loves treats and this can improve the atmosphere in the office.
Celebrate Achievements – You should make sure that any good work or particular achievements are celebrated in the workplace and shared with the whole team.
Team Outings – Organising regular team trips and outings can get people involved and can also help your staff to bond with each other.
Benefits of Random Acts
There have been plenty of studies that suggest random acts of kindness have significant benefits in the workplace. Some of the benefits include happier staff, greater confidence and more energy while working on daily tasks. This is often attributed to the natural feel-good chemicals of serotonin and oxytocin that are released when kindness is shared. Some of the benefits that can come from random acts in the workplace include;
Reduced Isolation – this also links to increased collaboration between staff. As people get to know each other, they are more likely to work together on ideas and can often come up with better results
Reduce Stress – by helping someone out, you can improve their morale and reduce their stress at work. This can also make them happier in their role and improve their level of work.
Reduce Pain – it can even reduce the pain your employee’s experience as kindness can release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. This can have a massive impact on your teams’ health in general.
Keeping Them Random
One of the biggest problems with random acts of kindness is that they must remain random in order to have the same health benefits for your employees. If you encourage your employees to do this constantly then it doesn’t have the same benefit, as people come to expect these random acts. One of the best ways to encourage random acts is to do them yourself. This sets an example and means others are likely to pass the kindness on.”
By: Richard Edwards
Published: 21st February 2018