Best Ways To Encourage Employees To Speak Up

“Speaking up at work when something is wrong can sometimes feel impossible. This can be because people are shy, aren’t sure what they want to report or to whom, or even that they are afraid of the consequences of raising an issue with an employer. Any situation in which an individual or group feels upset or uncomfortable as a result of something or someone in the workplace needs to be addressed. When something is wrong, addressing it quickly and smoothly can prevent prolonged consequences for individuals and the company as a whole.
The pandemic over the past (nearly) two years have emphasised the importance of well-being at work and this means not just maintaining healthy practices but also dealing with problems in a positive and compassionate way. As an employer, there are many things you can do to ensure employees are speaking up about problems at work. This includes not just the atmosphere at work but also the processes in place for employees to raise concerns. The following are some of the ebay ways to encourage employees to speak up when something is wrong.

Provide Opportunities
Sometimes, it is not enough to sit and wait for people to raise issues. When an appointment is necessary to raise concerns, this can be too intimidating. Employees will feel more comfortable raising an issue when there are opportunities to do so on a normal work day. Whether this is a regular meeting to raise issues or gather feedback or a software where issues can be raised anonymously, employers should ensure there are opportunities and resources to encourage speaking up at work when something is wrong.
If you are looking to promote wellness while working from home, check out our blog on Maintaining Employee Wellness while Working Remotely.

Seek and Act On Feedback
This process doesn’t have to wait until problems begin to occur. Even before issues are raised, there are ways of creating an encouraging atmosphere in the workplace. As an employer, it is your responsibility to seek feedback on the atmosphere at work, any changes to personnel or new work processes. Creating a culture where feedback is readily asked for, received, and then acted on is vital. This will encourage people to speak up as they can see that raising concerns and problems can be helpful rather than detrimental to themselves or the company.
Confidentiality is a huge factor in raising issues. Browse our range of private work booths and meeting pods for any confidential discussions in the office.

Ask Precise Questions
Speaking up at work when something is wrong can feel difficult when an individual must write an email or set up a meeting to raise their concerns. Entering into a conversation about the issue can seem like a huge step. For some people, they may not even consider speaking up as they feel it is too insignificant. This is where precise questions can help.
When employers have noticed a difference in behaviour or even just have a 1-to-1 meeting with an employee, asking generic questions can stimulate generic answers. Instead of “how are you?” or “everything alright?”, try to ask more compassionate questions about wellbeing or specifically about work or work environment. This can just be a follow up of, “are you sure?” or “do you have anything that you would like to talk about?”. This can encourage employees to speak up or think more carefully about how events at work are affecting them.

Actions not Words
The way you react to feedback can leave a lasting impact. While listening and reassuring individuals raising issues is vital, your actions will speak much louder than words. Acting to address the issue should be fast, confidential, and objective. Whether this involves altering processes at work, engaging with other individuals involved, or having an awareness or training day, acting on feedback will encourage employees to speak up in the future.
When it comes to work atmosphere, the environment can make a huge difference. Whether a home office or corporate office, Office Chairs UK can help you freshen up your workplace.
