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“Starting the year with achievable goals is a great way to set yourself up for success. There are various ways in which you can create a healthier lifestyle at work. From simply taking the stairs to reading a book, read our 8 healthy work resolutions for the new decade.
Take the stairs
This may seem small, but this resolution can improve your general fitness in the long run. By taking the stairs at work, you can lose 5 calories per flight you walk up. If you do this twice every working day for the whole year, you can burn over 2,610 calories.
Clear out your physical and digital files
This resolution can be implemented at home too. Many of us have file cabinets which are overloaded with loose papers and files which are rarely used or visited. It will only take an hour or so of your time to clear these out! Allocate one pile for the shredder and one to keep. Go through every paper, separating each into the piles. Get some new folders to arrange your remaining papers and arrange them into your file cabinet. A similar concept can go for your computer files! Label each document correctly and file them into well-organised folders so that everything is easier to find.
Eat a healthier lunch
There are plenty of simple yet delicious lunch ideas to keep you spending your money on unhealthy junk food out of the office. It’s time to look forward to a midday meal that not only tastes amazing but is also great nutritionally.
Learn something new every day
There are hundreds of new things which you can learn every day. Whether this is something in your field of work or even just learning a random fact, this can be a refreshing way to make each day different.
Read a book
It is no question that reading does wonders for the mind, which is why we recommend reading at least one book. There will always be a book out there which can help you improve your work, and help you learn more about your profession. It is even proven that reading a book on professional development can give you a new perspective in the workplace.
Give yourself credit
A study from Gallup shows that people receiving recognition for good work are happier and more productive. It is therefore important that you recognise your achievements and efforts to improve your future happiness in the workplace.
Support a work-life balance
It is very important to separate your work life from your home life, or you will end up feeling as though there is never any division. To achieve equilibrium, we recommend labelling your work tasks from urgent to least urgent, so that you are making good use of your time. This saves your workload eating into your home life.
Sign up to a blog
Blogs provide free information and insider tips to anyone that wants it. If you are looking to improve at work, we suggest signing up to a relevant blog, which covers topics that link to your work. If you can’t find one for you, maybe ask around the office and see if anyone is signed up to one that may also interest you.
By: Richard Edwards
Published: 6th January 2020