Which size is for You?
To determine which chair size is best, find the point of intersection for
your height and weight. New Aeron B-, and C-size chairs are tested and
warranted for use by person 159 kilograms and under. A-size chairs are
tested and warranted for use by persons 136 kilograms and under.
Key Features
1. 8Z Pellicle
8Z Pellicle offers unprecedented comfort through eight
varied zones of tension in the seat and back.
2. PostureFit SL
Posturefit SL has adjustable individual pads that both
stabilise the sacrum and support the lumbar region to
provide full spinal stabilisation that nurtures the natural
S-shape of the spine and activates healthful posture.
3. Harmonic™ 2 Tilt
The tilt moves with you naturally, allowing you to shift from
forward to reclining postures intuitively and smoothly,
and always at an optimal balance point.
4. Three Sizes
Aeron comes in three sizes to ensure a more inclusive fit.