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“Mornings – there seems to be a new one every day… one of the many changes brought on by the coronavirus pandemic is the way in which we work. Many businesses have turned to remote working in order to follow government guidelines. As a result, those of us now working from home have found a bit of extra time in the mornings, so when is better than now to perfect your morning routine? We have put together the ultimate guide for the best morning routine to start you off to a successful day.
A well-crafted morning routine can increase happiness, productivity, and reduce stress levels. It’s about getting started on the right track…
“Focused, productive successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days – which inevitably create a successful life.” -Hal Elrod, author of “The Miracle Morning”
So, there may not be a perfect ‘one-size-fits-all’ morning routine, everyone has different opinions and preferences – but there are plenty of options to help tailor the perfect morning routine for you. We can split the ideal morning routine into 4 categories Mental, Physical, Emotional, and (if you’re so inclined) Spiritual.
Mental, or focus, is all to do with your thoughts, beliefs, values, goals, dreams, and plans.
Make a list – get it off your mind and on to paper. Writing things down will create clarity in your head, and the tasks in hand may seem more achievable.
Set goals – try to set 3 achievable goals every morning. Achievable being the key word, it’s unlikely you’re going to Mars or climbing Mt. Everest today.
Create a schedule – a plan can go a long way when you’re staring down the barrel of a hectic day. Have a look on your calendar, or work schedule and split it into manageable chunks – include your goals and list of to-do’s so you have a plan of action.
Physical, or body is not just to do with exercise but also what we eat, drink and our physical space.
Get moving – try to run at least 20 miles every morning… no wait don’t do that. If you can fit a quick walk, run, trip to the gym or yoga in your morning routine you 100% should. It releases endorphins and sets you up for the day ahead.
Eat breakfast – start your day off with a healthy breakfast. Fruit, cereal and toast are great options to give your body the energy it needs.
Tidy your space – When our physical space is cluttered, our minds often feel the same way. It’s always a good idea to ensure that your working and living space is clear for the day ahead. If you work in a small space our blog may help you.
Emotional, or mindfulness, is all to do with your feelings, emotions and relationships. It differs slightly from Mental as it is less related to your focus/plans and more with the way you feel. Tending to your emotional and mental-health is particularly important when working from home.
Express thankfulness – it has been proven that many benefits arise from expressing gratitude; stretching from how it improves relationships, emotional health, sleep, mental stamina, and overall happiness. Try to think of 2/3 things you are grateful for every morning.
Social media – sure social media can be a great source of news in the morning, but if the talk of *insert current political fiasco* is getting you down, try to avoid it.
Do something you enjoy – watch the morning news, speak to your family, read, or even listen to your favourite playlist or podcast. Take a look at our motivational work from home playlist for some inspiration.
Now this may split the room… but there are some big benefits of integrating a spiritual approach to the morning routine.
Meditation – a popular staple to the morning routine for successful people in particular. It may take some practise to get right but there are plenty of mobile apps to help: Mindfulness app, Headspace and Calm – why not give it a go?
Appreciate nature – if you are fortunate enough to have a garden or local park, take a moment to appreciate nature in all its glory – watch the birds and feel the breeze.
As mentioned above, not all of these suggestions will be for you. However, by introducing slight changes, some of these actions will help improve your morning routine and thus will contribute to making your day that little bit easier.
By: Richard Edwards
Published: 11th November 2020