Our Guide to Dubai Design Week 2019

“Dubai design week recently closed its fifth edition this month with record attendance and another spectacular event. With over 90,000 visitors welcomed during the week, it is the largest creative festival in the region with well over 200 programmes and activities. The leading fair in the region for original and high-quality design is Downtown Design, which showcases over 100 brands each year. The event also showcases some of the best designers of the future with the Global Grad Show with more than 100 university exhibitors. There is always plenty to see and do, with over 100 talks and workshops as well as a Designathon and live jazz at the festival. We have put together a summary of some of the best highlights from Dubai Design Week 2019.
Dubai Design District
Most of the exhibitions at the event take place at the Dubai Design District and feature some of the leading designs from around the region. The event features leading designers in both graphics and furniture that will shape the future of the region. Located in the centre for the art and design industry, all of the best brand and businesses come forward with their new designs. One of the leading designers each year are Abwab, and this year they showcased work from the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Their exhibition looks to engage visitors to interact with their work and explores themes of the different ways of learning. RAW Design and Build was an exhibition that invited 15 artists from across the region to create their own designs on hexagonal tables.
Global Grad Show ICD Progress Prize Winner
Every year the show chooses a prize winner from the Global Grad Show with a panel of judges awarding the best designer. The winning project in this year’s event was announced as Poleno, a silent drone that assists in rebuilding damaged ecosystems and stimulating pollination. The design comes from Laura Cragnolini and Juan Jose Martinez Guerrero from the Instituto Europeo di Design, Madrid. The winner of the prize is given $10,000 to continue in further developing their design and ideas.
Audi Innovation Awards 2019
Audi Middle East accept submissions each year to be entered into an innovation competition with a prize for the best design. This year’s award saw more than 2,500 submissions and a theme of “simplification” was approached by all of the designers. The winning design this year came from Pincher by Twelve Degrees which was a physical interpretation of the phrase “a pinch of salt”. The winner of the award received $25,000 in consultancy to develop the project further and this was showcased at the event.
A common theme throughout the event this year was the idea of simplification and using old cultural influences to inspire new designs. This is something that we have already been seeing in furniture design and something that we expect to see more of in the future. It is important to make sure that not only is your office furniture well designed, but also that it is practical and meets your needs. If you are looking for new office furniture then make sure you take a look at our collection.”
